Crafting Your Brand Identity: The Benefits of Printing Custom Mailer Boxes

In the e-commerce ecosystem, custom mailer boxes are everywhere. Made out of corrugated cardboard boxes that protect the contents throughout the shipping process, these boxes are sturdy and reliable enough not to require any external packaging elements that increase costs and prove to be a hassle. If you are thinking about using these boxes for your subscription or eCommerce business, you are in for the best news today because we are going to tell you a secret: MAILER BOXES CAN BE FULLY CUSTOMISED TO MATCH A BRAND’S AESTHETICS! Yes, you heard that right! 

You can reach out to professionals for product box printing, and they can help you design custom mailer boxes with branded text, logos and other graphics printed directly onto the box for better outreach, engagement and brand awareness. 

In fact, custom mailer boxes have several advantages, and we are going to discuss them!

1. Lightweight and Cost-efficient

For one, custom mailer boxes are cost-efficient and lightweight. This invariably and implicitly means you can store them easily and ship them without any hassle, as they don’t take up much space or weight. The delivery personnel and customers can carry them easily for a great unboxing experience. Besides, as personalised mailer boxes are created using affordable raw materials, they are quite cost-efficient. They are in-demand products, so you can get them for competitive prices, and you can invest the saved money in other tasks such as marketing or operations. 

2. Better Brand Recognition

When you work with a renowned printer to incorporate your brand logo, colour scheme, and distinctive design elements into the packaging, you create a memorable brand experience for your customers. Consistent branding across all touchpoints, including packaging, can reinforce brand recognition and foster a sense of trust and familiarity among your consumers. 

In addition, when you are using custom mailer boxes in a sea of similar products, you can set your brand apart from your competition. A well-designed and printed mailer box doesn’t just captivate your target audience; it also communicates the quality and uniqueness of your brand. 

3. Effective Marketing Tool

Investing in custom mailer boxes demonstrates a commitment to professionalism and attention to detail. When customers receive a  thoughtfully packaged and branded package, it reflects positively on your brand image. These mailer boxes can act as a canvas for showcasing your brand message, promotions, or product features. By strategically placing marketing messages or QR codes on the packaging, you can drive traffic to your website, social media channels, or promotional offers.


If you have made up your mind that custom mailer boxes are your next big marketing or advertising idea, the next thing you need to do is to find printing services that can offer product box printing services for you. In case, you have already started scouring the web for custom mailer box printing, feel free to reach out to the team at Best at Printing. With a team of seasoned professionals, state-of-the-art equipment, and a proven track record of working with businesses of all sizes, they can be your go-to solution to get your product boxes customised within an affordable price range.